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2024年4月10日 (水) 20:37時点におけるBrunoEales3 (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (ページの作成:「Charlotte York (Kristin Davis) has had a standard, privileged Episcopalian Connecticut upbringing and works in an art gallery. Ick." --Paul Vixie "An amazing lots of today's security technologies are 'safe' only because no one has ever bothered attacking them." --Peter Gutmann "Fewer trusted resources in a time of nice want just isn't helpful." --Dan Kaminsky "Creating great artwork is an epic wrestle between life and dying, sanity and madness, love and hate, magnif…」)
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Charlotte York (Kristin Davis) has had a standard, privileged Episcopalian Connecticut upbringing and works in an art gallery. Ick." --Paul Vixie "An amazing lots of today's security technologies are 'safe' only because no one has ever bothered attacking them." --Peter Gutmann "Fewer trusted resources in a time of nice want just isn't helpful." --Dan Kaminsky "Creating great artwork is an epic wrestle between life and dying, sanity and madness, love and hate, magnificence and monstrosity. I don't know, this a part of suburbia is kind of bizarre." "We're freaks, love. This is never a productive line of argument." --John Levine "Our generation is the primary, ever, to have made the search for self-consciousness a crime, if it is completed with the use of plants or chemical compounds as the means of opening the psychic doors." --Alexander Shulgin "An anarchist is someone who doesn't want a cop to make him behave." --Ammon Hennacy "Secrecy hides privilege, incompetance, and deception of those that depend on it and who would be disempowered without it." --John Younger "I feel it's vital to recollect that individuals don't set their lives on fire, they don't say goodbye to their households - actually pack up with out saying goodbye to their households - they do not walk away from their extraordinary - extraordinarily comfy lives - I imply, I made a lot of money for a guy with no high school diploma - and, and, and burn down every thing they love for VIAMARKET-GENUINE.COM no motive." --Edward Snowden Nelson's Maxim: Cryptography with no threat model is like cookies with out milk. "In the long run, we'll remember not the words of our enemies, however the silence of our pals." --Martin Luther King, Jr. "I've learned that I can pretty much do anything I've wished to as long as I was methodical and diligent about it." --Jamie Hyneman "So, is that this sufficiently un-Stepford Wives-like for your tastes?

The fact that these people assume that in the event that they did not have this particular person watching over them that they would go on killing, raping rampages is probably the most self-damning thing I can think about." --Penn Jillette "Metadata is holography." --Robert Hettinga "One reason I refuse to trouble with the whole safety circus is that I believe it glorifies - and thus encourages - the improper habits. It was a bunch that had written off privacy as an archaic construction." --Quinn Norton "One of many plus sides of high unemployment is that eventually offended folks have free time." --Aestetix "The explanation I like Bitcoin so much is that it is the primary time we have seen a multinational company run as it should be run: As software." --John Robb "An enchanting, internally constant political principle with some good underlying points that, regrettably, makes prescriptions about tips on how to run human society that may only work if we exchange actual messy human beings with frictionless spherical humanoids of uniform density (because it relies on simplifying assumptions about human behaviour that are sadly wrong)." --Charles Stross, on Libertarianism "The only issues which sicken me are malice and stupidity, and there isn't any level complaining about the kind of people that epitomize these." --Dr. Michael Aquino "Would you place your bitcoins at a place where the transactions are more likely to be honored?

The robber baron's cruelty may generally sleep, his cupidity might at some point be satiated; but those that torment us for our personal good will torment us with out end, for they accomplish that with the approval of their own conscience." --C.S. Lewis "Don't fret concerning the haters. They may trip train bikes in clear air and in a room with the air polluted by the exhaust of leaf blowers and lawn mowers. The furnaces have been probably heated by pure fuel brought by airtight jointed bamboo pipes for miles to towns and villages, yet gasoline introduced up from maybe 610 m (2,000 ft) below the surface may trigger an explosion if it was not properly combined with oxygen first, so the Han dynasty Chinese language presumably built underground carburetor chambers and siphoned some of the gas off with exhaust pipes. However for the reason that dosage of the herbs they include will not be prescribed, these supplements may cause very low blood stress to happen.

They're just angry as a result of the reality you speak contradicts the lie they reside." --Dr. Steve Maraboli "Clearly incompetence might be outsourced, at great financial savings to the shopper." --Rob Jenson "This is your dishwashing liquid - you soak in it! In actual fact, all the boring normal bugs are far more necessary simply because there's much more of them." --Linus Torvalds "Nothing higher than the history of TLS to indicate that one higher take severely attacks that seem theoretical at first look." --Hugo Krawczyk "You can make anybody look foolish, if that's your objective." --Dr. John Mack "However.. In Canada cable channel Bravo aired the first run of the present every Saturday at 11:00 PM, a number of weeks behind the U.S. The U.S. Meals and Drug Administration (FDA) has accepted it to treat sexual impotence, but sildenafil might also treat pulmonary arterial hypertension. With Pfizer's 2011 U.S. Capitalism has destroyed our perception in any effective energy however that of self interest backed by drive." --George Bernard Shaw "Individuals on this record are principally engineers who have no drawback dealing with magnitudes and have fairly restricted empathy for individuals who have a problem with them. When you give a charlatan energy over you, you almost never get it back." --Carl Sagan "Essentially the most sacred factor is to be able to shut your personal door." --G.Okay. Chesterson "We will not stop here.